This is where you will find ALL news from the Web site in chronological order.

New Board Members Bring Diverse Perspectives to the CCDC

new ccdc board members

This year is starting out as one of transition for the Clarke County Development Corporation. With two board members departing in January to pursue personal and professional paths (Dave Walkup to spend more time closer to family and Ryan Lundquist to focus on growing his business), the

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Clarke Schools Turns Industrial Tech Program to Future-Focused Success

clarke community schools industrial technology program

In just a few short years, the Clarke Community Schools Industrial Technology program has been converted from a floundering ancillary elective to one of rural Iowa’s leading technology programs. Through hard work, collaboration and a future-focus, the district and Clarke’s Industrial Technology Instructor, Dave Lyden, are preparing

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Crossroads Mental Health & Substance Abuse Facility Opens in Osceola To Serve Southern Iowa

crossroads mental health substance abuse osceola iowa

Crossroads Behavioral Health is a Community Mental Health & Addiction Treatment Center dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary approach through psychiatric services, therapy and counseling services. Crossroad’s also provides care coordination services through their integrated home health team for those who have chronic mental illnesses. On February 11th

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Clarke County Turns Out to Celebrate Local Business and Achievement

Deb Adams Osceola Iowa

Braving negative wind chills in the double-digits and dangerous winter conditions, over 150 Clarke County citizens, local business professionals, and community leaders gathered at the Clarke County Fair Grounds Tuesday for the 2019 Annual Dinner hosted by Osceola Chamber Mainstreet and Clarke County Development Corporation. The Annual

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CCDC Celebrates 50 Years of Community, Commitment, and Success

Clarke County Development Corporation 50th Anniversary

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC). In August of 1969, the development corporation that has brought Osceola and Clarke County, Iowa numerous business and economic successes including Jimmy Dean and Hormel as well as the boon of

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CCDC Bids Farewell to Two Long-Time Board Members

ccdc board members

At the January 9th CCDC board meeting the announcement was made that long-time board members Ryan Lundquist and Dave Walkup decided to not seek reelection for additional terms on the CCDC board to focus on other opportunities. Mr. Lundquist, owner and operator of Highway Lumber decided to

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SWCC & Clarke County Hospital Work to Answer EMT Demand

emt classes in osceola iowa

Starting in January of 2019, SWCC, along with support from Clarke County Hospital, will be offering classes for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). With the success of last year’s Emergency Medical Responder training, and with ever-increasing demand, the new EMT program will be open to anyone who qualifies

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more... Top 5 Features of 2018

news features in clarke county osceola iowa

Every year we get the honor to tell stories about businesses and organizations throughout Clarke County, Iowa that impact the community. From new housing developments to city planning and recreational improvements, 2018 had a plethora of amazing features. As a “Snapshot of 2018,” our editors looked through

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New Osceola City Hall Intern Shines Bright

Diana Sagastizado Osceola City Intern Clarke Schools

The City of Osceola is helping to grow the next generation of leaders through their internship program at City Hall and have found a prime candidate in Diana Sagastizado. With a passion for politics and current events, Clarke Schools senior Diana jumped at the chance to be

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Clarke County Hospital Awarded Federal Grant to Help Families

clarke county hospital osceola iowa

Regional training Network to Address Childhood Trauma The United States Department of Agriculture has awarded Clarke County Hospital (CCH) a $314,742 grant to help families in Southern Iowa affected by childhood trauma. The grant will be used to upgrade and extend CCH’s regional video distance learning network

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Stream Osceola’s City Council Meetings Live from Your Home Computer

Osceola, Iowa City Council Meeting Streaming

Osceola City Council and local officials have been working on implementing the technology needed for the streaming of City Council meetings through the City’s Web site for over a year. With the assistance of Terry Taylor and his team from Communications Solutions, a camera with audio support

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Clarke Student Cyber Warriors Attack Future Opportunities in Tech Security

clarke schools cyber security

In a world dominated by technology, Clarke students are leading the information curve through a new competition program that focuses on global cyber security. Through the Air Force Association’s CyberPatriot program, Clarke Schools is entering their second year of the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition. The CyberPatriot

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Urgent Route Driver Shortage Signals Call on Community for Help

school bus drivers for clarke schools osceola

Already short on bus route drivers, Clarke Community Schools is looking to district family members and the community for help. With last school year’s shortage of qualified drivers rolling into the 2018/19 school year, staff and administrators worked diligently to cover or combine yellow bus routes to

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Second Annual Shop With a Cop Ready or Your Nominations

osceola iowa shop with a cop

For the second consecutive year, the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with the Osceola Police Department to sponsor the Shop With a Cop program. This program may be new to Clarke County, but it has been taking place across the country for close to twenty years.

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Osceola & CCDC Work With Developers to Meet Growing Housing Demand

Osceola has heard the call for affordable, available housing options. The City of Osceola has partnered with Clarke County Development Corporation to meet the needs of the growing Clarke County community. Join Kading Properties at a ribbon cutting event to unveil the brand-new houses available in the

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