New Recovery Grant Opportunities for Counties Under Federal Disaster Declarations

disaster recovery grants for clarke county osceola iowa

In the past few months, southern Iowa has seen more than expected extreme weather. From tornadoes and isolated rain straight-line winds to severe hail incidents, residents and businesses alike have been financially impacted by the damaging weather.

Federal grant programs for residents in Clarke Country are now available to help recover from the impact and costs of these storms. Those interested can click through to the latest feature to read more and to start their grant process.

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Rick’s Shelter: A Lasting Memorial for a True Community Leader

Rick's Shelter - Osceola Parks and recreation

For those who don’t frequent the Osceola Sports Complex, the latest addition may come as a special surprise. In 2020, Osceola’s Rick Courcier passed from a long battle with cancer. In his memory, and to help carry his spirit and dedication to the community through to future generations, Rick’s friends and family as well as the City, Parks and Rec. Department and others, all came together to help memorialize him with “Rick’s Shelter.”

Click through to the latest feature and read about their mission to honor Rick and the special meaning it has to the entire community…

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After Weather Delays, Osceola’s ORBIT Center Kicks Off Structural Start

technology center in osceola iowa

Regional industry leaders, SWCC, the CCDC, and others have all been waiting patiently to see progress on Osceola’s new ORBIT Center being built on the southwest corner of the city. With recent weather delays, the new building materials have been delivered and the structural development for the technology center is underway.

The latest feature provides some insight to the ORBIT Center’s construction as well as expected curriculum to be starting as early as January!

Click through to see some of the latest activity as well as a full rendering and floor plan for the building…

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Osceola’s Clarke County Fairgrounds Hosts JunctionTown Showdown


Get ready for the JunctionTown Showdown Truck Show and Tractor Pull, returning to the Clarke County Fairgrounds in Osceola, Iowa! This year, the event spans three exciting days: June 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2024.

Click through to check out their cool video and catch up on all that happening at this year’s event…

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CCDC Board Welcomes the Addition of Altec’s Nathan Grismore

CCDC Board Welcomes the Addition of Altec’s Nathan Grismore

At the May CCDC board meeting, members and those in attendance welcomed Altec’s Nathan Grismore to the board. As a representative from one of Osceola’s largest employers, Nathan is looking to bring a fresh perspective to the CCDC and help them create positive change throughout the community.

Click through to the latest feature more information about Nathan and his new position with the board…

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Clarke Community Schools Adopts Dual Language Program

dual language programming at Clarke Community Schools OSceola Iowa

Clarke Community Schools will be implementing an adjustment for language acquisition for elementary students starting with the 2024-25 school year. With 54-56% of the district being Spanish-speaking, the administration is working to help those students as well as open more opportunities for native English-speaking students. The program will be open to all students through a drawing held from all interested applicants.

Click through to learn more about the program as well as an informational meeting (and downloadable PDF). The event is being held this Thursday in the elementary cafeteria…

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Special Osceola Water Works Bottled Water Giveaway – May 7th

On May 7th, 2024, in two public events, the Osceola Water Works’ team will be handing cases of bottled water to the community. This is in response to a generous donation received to help with the ongoing water conservation efforts throughout the community.

Check out the latest feature and the details surrounding the distribution of more than 36,000 bottles of water and the donation that helps support their customers…

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Clarke Community Schools Opens Preschool Interest Survey for 2024-25 School Year

clarke community schools preschool

The Clarke Community Schools Preschool Interest Survey will help guide some of the policies and procedures for the upcoming school year and assist administrators and teachers in developing plans for a fulfilling and rewarding preschool experience for your child.

Please click through or share this with family members and friends who may have preschool-aged children…

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Clarke Community Schools Hosts Bike Rodeo

child bike safety in osceola iowa

Spring is in full swing and the weather just keeps getting better! That means fun on Osceola’s trails and families and children out on their bikes.

With that in mind, Clarke Community Schools is hosting a Bike Rodeo for all families to learn about bike safety, proper cycling safety equipment and more!

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Clarke County Organizations Partner to Offer Rain Barrel Workshop for Local Community Members

learn how to make a rain barrel osceola iowa

Water and conservation have been hot topics across Iowa over the recent months. To help the Clarke County and Osceola community up their water conservation efforts, Clark County Hospital, along with Clarke County Conservation and Clarke County Extension put on a Rain Barrel Workshop to help concerned citizens learn how to recycle rain water …

Check out the latest release and video with tips on constructing your own rain barrel system… it also has a discount offer for rain barrel supplies!

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Osceola Water Board Approves Plans for the Future of Osceola’s Water Supply

water in osceola

For more than 18-months, the Osceola Water Works team has been evaluating and researching the most impactful ways to supplement Osceola’s water supply and increase access to other raw water sources to serve the community. In Thursday’s monthly water board meeting, a plan was presented and approved with three focused stages, including estimated timelines and costs for the future of water in Osceola and Clarke County.

Check out the latest feature for more details on the plans for water within the community and surrounding areas…

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Big Business Concessions for Community Water Conservation

water conservation in osceola iowa

Since the October water conservation ordinance update from Osceola Water Works Board of Trustees, the efforts surrounding reducing water use have shown how a community can really come together in emergency situations. That also means Osceola’s largest water users, commercial and industrial customers.

Check out the latest feature for what these large water customers have done to help with the conservation efforts throughout their businesses…

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CCDC Grants Provide Support for School Safety and Community Conservation

grants in clarke county iowa

The CCDC approved a pair of grants recently to help Clarke Community Schools cover costs related to new emergency response backpacks for school administrators and teachers as well as cover costs associated with the district’s water conservation efforts.

Click the link to learn more and check out the latest …

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Spring Has Sprung – Creative Gardening While Conserving Water

water conservation while gardening

With Spring gardening season upon us, how do Osceola’s green thumbs get their gardens to grow while conserving water? In a recent article submitted by the Osceola Water Works, their team helps with some gardening and water conservation tips to help through the season.

Click through to read the full article…

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CCDC Approves $75K Grant for Municipal Water Transport, Maintaining “Water Neutrality”

water in osceola iowa

At the March 13th board meeting of the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), the grant committee reviewed and approved a discretionary grant request for up to $75,000 to help The City of Osceola cover the fees associated to keeping the City’s municipal recreational resources “Water Neutral.”

Click through for latest information on …

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