New Osceola City Hall Intern Shines Bright

Diana Sagastizado Osceola City Intern Clarke Schools

The City of Osceola is helping to grow the next generation of leaders through their internship program at City Hall and have found a prime candidate in Diana Sagastizado. With a passion for politics and current events, Clarke Schools senior Diana jumped at the chance to be

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Reservation Systems Updated, Clarke Co. Bike Share Program Rolls On

Clarke County Iowa Osceola Bike Share Program

After what seemed like weeks of updates to the reservation application and its integration, Clarke County Public Health is happy to announce the Clarke County bike share program, located on the east side of the Clarke County Courthouse, is set up and ready to roll. There’s plenty of

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Clarke County Manufacturing Interns Welcomed Through CCDC / City CEO Luncheon Event

osceola clarke county manufacturing interns

Clarke County and Osceola, Iowa businesses have a long history of welcoming college students into their operations as interns and this year is no different. Coming from all around the Midwest, the latest influx of interns were welcomed to Osceola during the CCDC’s monthly CEO Luncheon on

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Osceola Rec Center Plan Moves to Next Stage

osceola rec center goes to city council september 19

The September 19th Osceola City Council meeting will prove to be a pivotal moment for the future of the Osceola Recreation Center. With the commitment of the non-profit Operation Recreation, The Arts and Rec Council, Osceola’s Parks and Recreation department and board, local businesses and volunteers, a

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Osceola Wastewater Plant Updates Show Innovative Growth and Future Savings

osceola wastewater plant

The city of Osceola is well on its way to meeting new Federal Clean Water regulations with renovation plans for the Osceola wastewater plant. Plans for the future plant show great potential for self-sustainability through methane conversion options not available in similar sized communities. In 2015, the

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Meet New Osceola Mayor Thomas J. Kedley!

osceola iowa mayor thomas kedley

In the last city elections, Osceola selected a new mayor with a bright vision for the city’s future. Have you met Mayor Thomas J. Kedley yet? Here is a quick snapshot of your newest city official! Thomas grew up in Clinton, Iowa, strongly involved with the parks

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Our Top 5 of 2015 – Life in Clarke County and Osceola, Iowa

Clarke County Iowa Osceola Life

THE TOP 5 of 2015 for 2015 was a spectacular year for Since our official launch in July, we’ve seen over 6,500 unique users and 16,500 page views on the site alone. And the reach doesn’t stop with those digital connections. The Osceola Sentinel and

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