ORBIT Center Quickly Changing the Osceola Landscape

ORBIT Center Osceola Iowa Shop Space

The Highway 34 landscape on the western edge of Osceola is changing with the addition of the ORBIT (Osceola Regional Business and Industrial Technology Center), a $3.2 million project involving construction of an impressive 9,000 square foot training facility, made possible due to a partnership between the

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Latest ORBIT Center Completion Dates Build Excitement for the New Year Courses

A recent progress tour of the new ORBIT Center is helping build excitement for local and regional businesses, manufacturers and educators for its 2025 opening. With 10,000 square feet of space, a majority of which will be dedicated to lab and hands-on educational curricula, the new facility will be a unique addition and draw to south-central Iowa.

Click though to see the latest photos and more on the programming slated to start in the center as early as January…

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Grassley’s Annual Tour Stops at Osceola’s SIMCO Drilling Equipment, Inc.

Iowa’s Senior Senator, Chuck Grassley, took time out of his busy schedule in Washington DC to visit the team from SIMCO Drilling Equipment in Osceola, Iowa. As part of his annual 99 County Tour, a tradition of his 41 years in office, Grassley and his team stopped

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Changes at Osceola Food Bring New Leadership and Future Growth

john kempen osceola food plant manager

Osceola Food is seeing a changing of the guard, as one plant manager, John Hoag, moves on to new opportunities within the organization, a new leader with new opportunities takes his place. John Kempen has been part of the Hormel Foods family for almost thirty years, and

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Altec Pioneers High School Internship Program Through Clarke Industrial Tech Advisory Board

clarke community sachools manufacturing intern osceola iowa

When Altec’s Recruiter, Susan Miller, was pitched the idea of a joint venture between the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), Clarke Schools, and local manufacturers in forming an Industrial Tech Advisory Board for Clarke students, she knew there would be advantages. Not only did the collaboration give

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Clarke Industrial Tech Students Spark A Bright Future in Osceola

clarke schools industrial tech program

With the unemployment rate at an all-time low and college debt an ever-growing concern, making a decision on what to do after high school is a big challenge for many students. But for Clarke Community Schools’ Senior, TJ Woods, and others in the Clarke industrial tech program,

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IA Rep. Loebsack Talks Workforce and Tariffs With Miller Products Company

miller products company osceola iowa

On April 12th, 2019, Iowa Congressional Representative Dave Loebsack announced his decision to retire at the end of this current term. In 2020, after 15 years in the House, the seat representing Iowa’s 2nd District will be handed off to a new representative. That in no way

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Clarke Schools Turns Industrial Tech Program to Future-Focused Success

clarke community schools industrial technology program

In just a few short years, the Clarke Community Schools Industrial Technology program has been converted from a floundering ancillary elective to one of rural Iowa’s leading technology programs. Through hard work, collaboration and a future-focus, the district and Clarke’s Industrial Technology Instructor, Dave Lyden, are preparing

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Clarke’s Industrial Arts Sparks Brilliance in First Annual Welding Competition

manufacturing jobs in osceola iowa

While the Clarke School District schedule called for a day off for students and teachers on Friday, over two dozen dedicated Industrial Arts students, their instructor, Mr. Lyden, local manufacturing mentors, and other professionals gathered early at Clarke’s Industrial Arts department doors to kick off the final

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Manufacturing Feature: Miller Products Co. Continues Decades’ Tradition of Manufacturing in Iowa

miller products osceola iowa

For decades, Miller Products Company has been producing high-quality machined parts in South-Central Iowa, proudly filling their workforce with employees from Osceola, Clarke County, and surrounding areas. As a start-up, in 1936, the Don Miller Cycle Company set up shop in Central Iowa. Offering a variety of

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Clarke’s Career Academy Focuses Students on Future Success

career academy clarke community schools

Clarke Community Schools in Osceola, Iowa is developing a Career Academy that will provide a specialized course pathway for career-minded students. Aligned with Governor Branstad’s new Future Ready Iowa initiative, this program is the genesis of Clarke’s new curriculum director Jean Bahls and Bill Trickey of Clarke

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