TAKE ACTION: 2020 Census Participation Means More for Osceola

osceola us census

The U.S. Census is a way for citizens within the community to affect change and increase representation at all levels of government. Since 1790, the population of the United States has been counted as mandated in the U.S. Constitution. A complete and accurate count of the citizens

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Laborshed Study to be Conducted in Clarke County, IA

clarke county laborshed study

The Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC) is partnering with Iowa Workforce Development and Iowa Economic Development Authority to complete a Laborshed employment study for Osceola and the Clarke County, Iowa area.  This study will geographically define which communities contribute to the local workforce, regardless of political boundaries.

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OCMS, Osceola Foods & 4th Of July Fireworks – The Show Must Go On!

osceola fireworks show

As the Governor moves the state to re-open, many scheduled events are still feeling the impact of social distancing and the COVID-19 crisis. Many budgets have become stressed from months of inactivity, dwindling sponsorships, or fear of a secondary surge. So, when Osceola Chamber Main Street announced

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City Opens Applications for up to $30,000 in Housing Rehabilitation Assistance

osceola housing application

Partnering with the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC) and the Southern Iowa Council of Governments (SICOG), The City of Osceola is opening the application process for the Owner-Occupied Housing Sustainability program. The program, developed to assist low-to-moderate income homeowners looking to make repairs to their homes, is

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Osceola Food Sponsors Local Graduation Recognition Poster Project

osceola foods celebrates clarke class of 2020

Osceola Food, LLC announced today that it sponsored a Clarke High School Graduation recognition poster project. “We know that seniors around the country are not getting to experience some of the traditions that go with it, like prom and a graduation ceremony,” said John Hoag, Osceola Food

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How Clarke County Manufacturers are Protecting Their Workforce from COVID-19

covid-19 safety in clarke county iowa

Effective May 1st, in 77 Iowa counties, including Clarke, businesses have been given the green light to open their doors after weeks of silence. Restaurants, fitness centers, libraries, retail shops and more will be opening with some restrictions, and that’s certainly a sign of hope for those

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Educators and Businesses Come Together To Help Clarke County Heroes

clarke county medical ppe

Challenging times have a way of bringing people together and the Clarke County community is no exception. The ongoing outbreak of COVID-19 has been causing massive shortages of essential supplies across the nation. The health care workers who are on the front line are having trouble securing

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Community & Staff Step Up to Support Senior Care Center in Time of Crisis

southern hills senior center osceola iowa

Since the WHO announced the Coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic status in early March, long-term care facilities have been on the front lines of the health and safety battle.  With senior citizens being some of the most “at risk” from the virus, the need for protective gear –

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20 Years of CCDC Grant Opportunities – How Can Your Organization Benefit?

clarke county iowa grant options

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Lakeside Casino’s opening in Clarke County. The Casino’s arrival not only meant a big boost to local employment and attractions for tourism and entertainment, but it also provided a tremendous opportunity for the Clarke County Development Corporation and the community

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Spring Fever Hits & Outdoor Activities Abound in Clarke County

east lake park campsite

According to the calendar it’s still winter, but with a few days of 65 degree weather, the recent announcement of camping and RV reservations opening, as well as the incredible recreational updates taking place all over Clarke County, the outdoor activity bug has officially bitten! Scott Kent,

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Osceola Foods Strives to Build a Stronger Community Through Giving Back

osceola foods donation

The Clarke Schools Food Pantry recently received a sizable food donation thanks to Osceola Foods and the generosity of the plant’s team. Truckloads of Hormel product were recently delivered to Clarke Community Schools’ food pantry to support those in the community experiencing food insecurity. Nearly 700 cases

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The Village Receives CCDC Director’s Award for Job Creation and Retention

childcare osceola iowa

In 1998, community members and leadership from throughout Clarke County came together to address the shortage of childcare access in south-central Iowa. With demand growing from local businesses, as well as an increase in families with infants and school-aged children, the need for more expansive childcare was

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Altec Pioneers High School Internship Program Through Clarke Industrial Tech Advisory Board

clarke community sachools manufacturing intern osceola iowa

When Altec’s Recruiter, Susan Miller, was pitched the idea of a joint venture between the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), Clarke Schools, and local manufacturers in forming an Industrial Tech Advisory Board for Clarke students, she knew there would be advantages. Not only did the collaboration give

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Kimes Receives Honored Community Service Award

helen kimes osceola iowa

Each year, Osceola Chamber Main Street and the Clarke County Development Corporation join in hosting a celebration of local business and achievements for the past year. Tuesday’s event saw leadership from Osceola and Clarke County government, local businesses and non-profits joining together to celebrate – in 20’s-era

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CCDC Community Grants Break $1Million Mark in 2019

grants for clarke county iowa

The Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC) works tirelessly on improvement and promotion of Clarke County, Iowa, its local businesses, supporting the community in any way it can. As the Qualifying Sponsoring Organization for Lakeside Hotel and Casino, the CCDC receives a percentage of gaming revenues that, in

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