East Lake Education Building Reaches Final County Supervisors’ Approval Stage

clarke county supervisor vote on education center at east lake park osceola iowa

Just over the past handful of years, East Lake Park has undergone a facelift like no other recreational camping area in south central Iowa. Scott Kent, Director of Clarke County Conservation will be taking the next exciting development to the Clarke County Supervisors for a vote of support. The Education center is on the final stages for financial approval and community support will play a big part in making this development happen.

Click through to read how you can help make this Education Center become a reality for Clarke County and Osceola’s East Lake Park…

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Spring Fever Hits & Outdoor Activities Abound in Clarke County

east lake park campsite

According to the calendar it’s still winter, but with a few days of 65 degree weather, the recent announcement of camping and RV reservations opening, as well as the incredible recreational updates taking place all over Clarke County, the outdoor activity bug has officially bitten! Scott Kent,

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...

East Lake Park Shaping Up as Travel Destination For Southern Iowa

southern iowa RV park

With the expansion of trails and the number of events being held at East Lake Park growing, the Clarke County Conservation Board is partnering with local leadership to put East Lake Park on the map of travel and tourism destinations in Southern Iowa. Scott Kent, Director of

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...