Osceola Food Sponsors Local Graduation Recognition Poster Project

osceola foods celebrates clarke class of 2020

Osceola Food, LLC announced today that it sponsored a Clarke High School Graduation recognition poster project. “We know that seniors around the country are not getting to experience some of the traditions that go with it, like prom and a graduation ceremony,” said John Hoag, Osceola Food

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Clarke Schools Celebrates A Special Teachers’ and Nurses’ Week

teachers at clarke schools osceola iowa

Teachers’ week is upon us. In normal times this would, of course, be celebrated with well-wishes and messages of thanks for all of the educators who support and inspire the community. This year, though, the scenario is different. Steve Seid, Clarke Schools’ Superintendent, wanted to make a

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Clarke Community Schools – Closure Updates April 20,2020

clarke community schools closed covid 19

With the recent announcement from Governor Reynolds concerning the closing of Iowa schools, effectively ending the 2019-2020 school year, Clarke Community Schools Superintendent Steve Seid put together the following, personal message to all Clarke students and families. You can watch the video from Mr. Seid below: In

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Clarke Community Schools Update: Student Nutrition & Staff Pay

meals for clarke students osceola iowa

On Tuesday, March 24th, Clarke Schools made the announcement that they would be participating in the USDA Food and Nutrition Service Summer Food Service Program.  This will allow the school to provide both breakfasts and lunches for students in need of meal solutions during the closure of

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Clarke Community Schools – Closure Update: A Message From Superintendent Steve Seid

In the light of the mandatory closure of Clarke Community Schools, Mr. Seid, Clarke Community School District Superintendent, wanted to reach out to the public to provide a brief update on what the school is doing for the students and families affected by the shutdown. View the

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Altec Pioneers High School Internship Program Through Clarke Industrial Tech Advisory Board

clarke community sachools manufacturing intern osceola iowa

When Altec’s Recruiter, Susan Miller, was pitched the idea of a joint venture between the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), Clarke Schools, and local manufacturers in forming an Industrial Tech Advisory Board for Clarke students, she knew there would be advantages. Not only did the collaboration give

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Clarke’s Jones-Webb Takes National Stage to Present Educational Sessions

becky jones-webb osceola clarke schools

Becky Jones-Webb, English teacher at Osceola’s Clarke High School, was selected to present at the prestigious National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) conference held in Baltimore in November. Each year, the NCTE asks English educators from across the country to submit proposals to present a program

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Clarke Industrial Tech Students Spark A Bright Future in Osceola

clarke schools industrial tech program

With the unemployment rate at an all-time low and college debt an ever-growing concern, making a decision on what to do after high school is a big challenge for many students. But for Clarke Community Schools’ Senior, TJ Woods, and others in the Clarke industrial tech program,

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New Clarke Staff, Improved Systems Show Early Signs of Positive Change

Clarke Elementary School Administration Staff

Clarke Schools’ Superintendent Steve Seid was looking to make some considerable changes at the elementary school when interviewing for new staff over the summer. Through dozens of candidates and numerous interviews for administrative and specialty positions, a team was being formed that Seid says he couldn’t be

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Clarke Students Tour & Take In The Impact of Osceola Manufacturing

manufacturing businesses in osceola, iowa

October is National Manufacturer’s Month and high school students from Osceola, Iowa’s Clarke Community School district spent some time learning how their community is supported through local manufacturers. Companies like Miller Products, makers of pins and fasteners as well as international provider of CNC and Swiss CNC

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New Clarke Bus Barn Reaches Completion

clarke schools bus barn

In April, the county voted on and passed a much-needed bond to help the Clarke Community School District make updates throughout the district. By the end of September, the first phase of the renovations and additions will be completed with the new Clarke Community Schools Bus Barn.

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Clarke Schools Ushers in New Year with New Administrators, Fresh Perspective

clarke community schools administration

Clarke Schools is ready for the new school year and is excited about the positive changes on the horizon. To help usher in those changes, there are some new faces in the district that will help Clarke continue to address changing needs. Lindsay Rains comes to Clarke

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Clarke Industrial Tech Advisory Board Members Team Up To Support Backpack Program

clarke county schools backpack program

Members from the Clarke Industrial Tech Advisory Board have joined forces with the United Methodist Church in Osceola to help students in Clarke County get off on the right foot this school year. For the last seventeen years, the United Methodist Church has been running a program

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Summer at Clarke Schools Doesn’t Mean Vacation For Everyone

Clarke Community Schools Activity Updates

Ah, yes, the final days of the 2018-19 school year have come and gone. It’s summer and kids are home with weeks of relaxation ahead of them. But that isn’t the case for the administration and many staff at Clarke Community Schools. While the students’ school year

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Clarke Schools’ Graduating Class Bursts With Bright Futures

Graduation is always a bittersweet time of year, saying goodbye to students as they branch out and make their own way in the world. Over the last several years, Clarke Community Schools has seen an upward trend in graduates, future planning, and overall academic and professional achievements.

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