On Tuesday, March 24th, Clarke Schools made the announcement that they would be participating in the USDA Food and Nutrition Service Summer Food Service Program.  This will allow the school to provide both breakfasts and lunches for students in need of meal solutions during the closure of school.

Watch the video below for the latest announcement from Clarke Community Schools:


After the announcement by Governor Reynolds was made, forcing schools to close due to the Coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic, Clarke Superintendent, Steve Seid, created a task force of 14 volunteers who would work together to find solutions for meal replacement and coordinate the logistics behind distribution of the meals. Once the funding from the USDA program was secured, they were able to set up the following meal distribution program:

Starting Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 11:00 AM, sites will be available where students and their families can pick up prepared meals (breakfasts and lunches) through the program.

MEAL DISTRIBUTION DATES: March 26, 2020 through April 9, 2020*

MEAL DISTRIBUTION DAYS: Mondays & Thursdays from 11:00 AM to Noon

(3/26, 3/30, 4/2, 4/6, and 4/9)


    • Clarke Elementary – Entry 5 (South Side)
    • Warren Park in Osceola
    • VanWert Community Center – Parking Lot
    • Weldon Community Center – Parking Lot
    • Woodburn Fire Station – Parking Lot

Program meals will be distributed to students only. Parents need to accompany their student or students to the pick-up location to receive the meals. Each vehicle will be given meals for the number of students present. NO MEALS will be distributed without a student present.

Because of the expanse of the school closures, these meals will also be made available to students outside the Clarke Community School district. It was decided by Mr. Seid and the task force that providing these meals for all student-aged children (0-18 years) in the community was important.

*If the closure of the schools extends beyond the designated April 13th date set by Governor Reynolds, considerations for extending the meal distribution program will be evaluated.


Also reported was the school board’s decision to assure full pay to all Clarke Community School staff, including long-term subs, through the required school closure. This decision was made on the request from Superintendent Seid and was approved in a special board meeting held Tuesday.

“With the uncertainty felt throughout the community, we wanted to make sure our staff and their families had the confidence that the district would support them through the closure,” said Seid.

He went on to emphasize that the school will be doing all they can to help their students, families and the community during the closures.

If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact the Clarke Community Schools Administrative offices, or Mr. Seid at 802 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213, phone: 641-342-4969 or email [email protected]

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