This is where you will find ALL news from the Web site in chronological order.

NOTICE: Water Works Annual Treatment Change

osceola annual hydrant flushing, Osceola water treatment change

Starting in October, Osceola Water Works will begin transitioning to winter maintenance and will be making a change in the treatment process. Residents may notice a difference, but will have no cause for concern. In early October, the water works department will begin the annual fire hydrant

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Osceola City Council Approves Special Vote for November

november 2016 elections, mayor term limits on ballot 2016, osceola city council

At the September 6 Osceola City Council meeting, a petition was passed approving a special vote to change the term length of the position of mayor. At the City Council meeting held on September 6, a petition was presented to the Council asking for a special vote to change the

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Support The Village And Get A Shirt!

Osceola’s early childhood center, The Village, needs YOUR help! The staff at The Village work tirelessly to ensure your children get the very best start in life, providing fun and educational opportunities, nutritious snacks and meals, and a safe environment to learn and play with others. Help them continue

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Join in Clarke Homecoming Activities!

clarke community schools, clarke schools homecoming

Clarke Community Schools has been celebrating Homecoming this week, with students -and staff – decorating hallways and cars, dressing in costume for theme days, and showing off their school spirit and pride! There’s still time for the community to show their support and to join in the

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Leon Film Company to Debut Latest Production at the Lyric Theater, September 24th

jefferson highway film project

Southern Iowa film-making duo travels thousands of miles to bring history to Osceola. Highway Walkers Media, an adventure documentary film company based in Leon, IA, will debut their film, “Less Traveled: A Journey from Pine to Palm” in a showing at the Lyric Theater, in Osceola September

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Business Development Opportunities Abound in Osceola

osceola business development opportunities

Osceola is quickly becoming the destination city for new families, travelers and businesses in Southern Iowa. As a growing community, this Clarke County city is an ideal location with business development opportunities for new and expanding companies to lay a foundation. The E. Eddy Saylor Industrial Park

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Baseball and Softball Fields Set to Get Needed Facelift

The Clarke Community School district is proud of its athletic programs and the students who participate and support their teams. But in recent years, the high school baseball and softball teams have struggled with facilities in need of upgrades. Neither the baseball or the softball field drains

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Clarke Community Schools Welcomes Students Back With Improvements

education in clarke county iowa

The beginning of a new school year brings many things with it: new schedules, new friends, new school supplies and lots of new opportunities for learning. But this year, Clarke Community Schools is also bringing many new improvements to showcase the growing district and enhance the overall learning

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Funding a Tribute to Our Soldiers – Clarke County Freedom Rock

clarke county freedom rock

Have you heard of Ray “Bubba” Sorensen II?  How about the Freedom Rock?  For the last decade or so, Sorensen has been traveling from Iowa county to Iowa county painting beautiful murals on giant boulders as a way to honor our veterans for their military service.  His

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CCH Educates on Healthy Eating at Fern Underwood Free Swim

clarke county hospital

Clarke County Hospital has been helping with the Fern Underwood Free Swim on Monday nights. The staff has handed out healthy snacks and offered healthy eating tips and education to everyone who chooses to stop by our table. Health education has included a handout of the MyPlate

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Aug. 1st – Time For Osceola to Celebrate Down at The Depot!

Osceola Train Depot Ribbon Cutting Invitation

COME CELEBRATE OSCEOLA’S RESTORED LANDMARK WITH A RIBBON-CUTTING CEREMONY AND SNACKS! Monday, August 1st, 2016, at 6:00pm, there is a ceremonial ribbon-cutting to mark the official opening of the renovated Osceola Train Depot. We want you, your family, friends, neighbors, and business associates to join us for

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RAGBRAI: Where to Stay in South-Central Iowa

RAGBRAI Places to stay southern iowa

Where can riders on RAGBRAI stay? RAGBRAI kicked off its 2016 ride and this year Southern Iowa has a front-row seat. Tens of thousands of cyclists, their support teams, friends, families, and all of the fun and frivolity that comes along with them will soon be rolling

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“Paint the Town Red” With CCDC Demolition Grant

house demolition assistance clarke county

Do you own a building that is so far beyond repair that demolition would be a mercy? Structures that fall into disuse and disrepair can fall apart pretty quickly, making them nothing more than hazards and eyesores. But demolition can get a bit costly. So what are

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Clarke County Hospital Celebrates New Renovations

clarke county hospital renovation video

63,000 square feet – that’s a lot of space. Can you imagine the great things that can be done in a space like that? Well, the planners, architects, administrators, and staff at Clarke County Hospital could, and on Sunday June 26th, they held a Grand Opening celebration

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Osceola 4th Of July Wins Hearts Across The State

jovee blakely animal shelter donations make news kcci

Osceola is famous for their 4th of July celebration. From the carnival atmosphere to one of the biggest parades and fireworks shows in south-central Iowa, the celebration put on by the Osceola 4th of July Committee is second to none. And over the past few years, the

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