This is where you will find ALL news from the Web site in chronological order.

Clarke County Hospital Receives Grant From Clarke Electric Cooperative’s Operation Round Up

An Operation Roundup grant from Clarke Electric Cooperative was given to Clarke County Hospital last week. The funding is dedicated to help pay for the purchase of equipment (called “wearables”) designed to protect ambulance drivers and EMS first responders on the job. Click through to the feature to read more.

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CROSS Ministries Expanding Facilities with CCDC Grant

C.R.O.S.S. Ministries is looking to expand its operations to offer additional opportunities for the public to be involved. The grant they received from CCDC for a new building is opening new opportunities for the community to get involved.

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...

CCDC Gives Local Non Profits the Opportunity to Receive $5000

Clarke COunty Community Devleopment Forum Non Profit iowa

(OSCEOLA, IA-  September 30,2022) As 2022 winds down, the Clarke County Development Corporation would like to invite you to a very special event. They want to celebrate the successes of all Clarke County’s non-profit organizations and the work they have done in 2022. CCDC also wants to

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...

U.S. Department of Commerce Invests $2 Million in American Rescue Plan Funds to Establish Workforce Regional Training Center in Osceola, Iowa

U.S. Department of Commerce Invests $2 Million in American Rescue Plan Funds to Establish Workforce Training Center in Osceola, Iowa
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced that the Department’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $2 million grant to Clarke County Development Corporation, Osceola, Iowa, to support construction of a workforce training center in Osceola.

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...

Clarke County Historical Museum and Society Receives $500 Donation from CCDC

The Clarke County Historical Museum is a 10 acre campus located at 1030 S Main street, just south of the 4-corners on Hwy 69. The museum is full of treasures from days gone by. The contents range from beautiful stain glassed windows from the Methodist church to a Civil War era wedding dress. Walking through the doors it is easy to see that Clarke County has a rich history. There is something there for everyone.

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...


Every year Iowa Workforce Development conducts Laborshed studies across the State. The purpose of this Laborshed study is to measure the availability and characteristics of Osceola area workers. The Surveys are being mailed to Clarke County residents.

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...

Revelton Distilling Company Puts Osceola on a Larger Geographic Stage

The beautiful copper roofs and 33 foot tall still of the Revelton Distilling Company catch the eye of travelers exiting Interstate 35 in Osceola. The exterior beauty of the building is the first indication that this place is something special. Revelton is putting Clarke County on the national and global stage. One look inside the property confirms that the Revelton Distilling Company is indeed special.

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...

CCDC Awards $50,000 for New Infinity Health Dental Clinic

Infinity Health’s mission is to help the communities in which they serve meet their healthcare needs. The shortage of dental professionals in the area dictated the move to add dental care.

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...

American Legion Loans Medical Equipment to Those in Need

Osceola American Legion Hall

(OSCEOLA, IA June 22, 2022) The Davis-Pence American Legion Post #69 in Osceola is providing a needed service to Clarke County veterans. The veterans that are members of the Davis-Pence American Legion post 69 in Osceola are hard at work providing medical equipment to local area people

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...

Tuesday Nights In The Park Begin June 7th

Thursday Night in the Park has been moved to Tuesday Night!  Come join us for a family friendly fun night on Tuesdays! Tuesday Nights in the Park will kick off on June 7th with Meet Your OCMS Members Night! The night includes food, entertainment, prizes, games and

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...