Medicare Open Enrollment: Understanding the Differences between Medicare and Medicare Advantage

A special education article from Clarke County Hospital covers the Medicare Open Enrollment and the pros and cons to each of the Original Medicare (Parts A and B) and Medicare Advantage (Part C).

This is valuable information for those navigating enrollment which started October 15th and goes through December 7th. Click through to read more…

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CCH Auxiliary Bake Sale and Membership Drive

The Clarke County Hospital Auxiliary is hosting their Annual Auxiliary Bake Sale and Membership Drive on November 22 inside the Main Entrance of the Hospital. This year’s fundraiser will feature homemade cookies, breads, and an assortment of other delicious snacks for local families to enjoy this holiday

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Team Blue Iowa Donates Funds to Clarke County Hospital

Team Blue Iowa representatives visited with Clarke County Hospital on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, to present a donation to be used to address prostate cancer awareness in the community and to provide patient support services.

Click through to read more about the generous donation and more from Clarke County Hospital…

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Osceola’s East Lake Shelter Offers New Event and Education Opportunities

event center in osceola clarke county iowa

After the recent grand opening of the East Lake Education Center, the Clarke County Conservation Board is seeing an increase in activity and opportunities to hold events from educational workshops to corporate outings, reunions, quinceañeras, and more at the facility!

The new center is proving to be a gem for the community. Click through to the latest feature to learn more about the path the facility took and how you can utilize the space and its programming…

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Volunteer Opportunities and Community Service Thrive at C.R.O.S.S. Ministries

C.R.O.S.S. Ministries is looking to local businesses and organizations for support and volunteers to help with their ever-growing community thrift store.

With chances for business to use Volunteer Time Off (VTO) or students to gain valuable Silver Cord hours, the opportunities with the organization are vast.

Check out the latest for details on how YOU can volunteer…

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Clarke County Hospital Offers Heartsaver First Aid and CPR Class

Clarke County Hospital will be offering a Heartsaver First Aid and CPR Class designed for individuals with limited or no medical training. This course trains participants on first aid basics for common first aid emergencies and will be held on November 2 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00

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SPECIAL COMMUNITY WORKSHOP – Grow Your Community’s Tree Canopy

Osceola Master Gardeners has invited Trees Forever back to hold a workshop and discuss the health and welfare of our community’s trees and the beautiful tree canopy we enjoy every Fall.

Click through to the latest update to read about the October 16th event and get details on how you can attend…

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Clarke County Hospital and Clarke County Public Health to Host a Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

breast cancer walk clarke county hospital

Clarke County Hospital and Clarke County Public Health have joined together for a Breast Cancer Awareness Walk on the evening of October 10, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Click through to the read the full details of the event and to learn more.

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Clarke County Clinic Partners with Wal-Mart Foundation to Provide First Aid Kits to Local Families

With a generous grant through the Walmart Foundation, 75 first aid kits will be distributed to local families through Osceola’s Clarke County Clinic.

Click through to read about the grant and the plans to help out those in the community that may need them…

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Clarke County Hospital Introduces New State of the Art In-House MRI

Clarke County Hospital is committed to providing excellent, compassionate and personalized care to the people of South Central Iowa. We pride ourselves on continuing to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of our local community. One of our latest additions is our new In-House MRI Suite. This

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SWCC, CCH Partner with Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Courses

emergency medical technician classes in Clarke County Iowa

In partnership with Clarke County Hospital, the team at Southwestern Community College (SWCC) will be offering an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course beginning Tuesday, August 6. The EMT course provides comprehensive training in emergency medical care. Pre-registration is required prior to July 26 (this coming Friday) at noon.

Click through to read the latest submission to …

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Clarke County Hospital Offering Free Well-Women Exams

Osceola’s Clarke County Hospital continues to offer Well-Women Exams at no cost for those who are uninsured or underinsured. Utilizing $5,000 in funding awarded to the Hospital by Bras for the Cause, exams for 3D Mammogram Screening, Image Reading and more can be scheduled for free.

To learn more, please click though to the latest…

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Clarke County Clinic Now Offering Convenient Care Services Seven Days a Week

clarke county clinic

Clarke County Clinic is excited to announce they will be offering convenient care services seven days a week. That, and a new provider, means Osceola and Clarke County residents have even more options for health care and service.

Click through to their recent submission for more information…

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