NRCS Leaders Show Commitment & Support At CCRC Meeting

progress on the Clarke County Reservoir

Top officials from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) were on hand at the September 26th meeting of the Clarke County Reservoir Commission in a show of support for the project. Final plans are in the review stages and once complete, could mean final design stages in mid-2025.

Click through to the latest updates to read more from the CCRC…

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New Faces at Osceola Water Works

The office staff at Osceola Water Works continues to grow and build on an already strong foundation of quality and customer service. Two new Utility Office Associates were added to the team earlier this year, bringing considerable knowledge and experience with them.

Click through to the latest feature to learn more about their new team members…

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Deadline for Osceola’s Downtown Streetscape Project Set

Osceols Histoic Square streescape project deadline

After more than a decade of debate, planning, and design, the Osceola City Council and Osceola Chamber Main Street (OCMS) announced their targeted date for the completion of Osceola’s Downtown Streetscape Project

With improvements focused on infrastructure and safety, the City and OCMS are poised to have the project completed just in time for the City’s 175th anniversary celebration.

Click through to read about the updates and what you can expect over the construction phases for the project…

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City Takes Action to Extend Osceola’s Trail System Over I-35

The City has taken action on extending Osceola’s trails over the I-35 exit off of Clay street (exit 34). With the help of the CCDC and an application for a Federal TAP (Transportation Alternatives Program) grant, our trail network could reach as far as West Lake in the very near future.

Click through to the latest feature to read about what it took to make this happen the the vision for Osceola’s growing trail system…

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Latino Festival “Uniting Neighbors” in Downtown Osceola

osceola iowa latino festival

Osceola, Iowa’s annual Latino Festival was held Saturday, September 7th, bringing in the highest attendance this event has seen with hundreds of people swarming the historic courtyard in celebration. The day was filled with music, food, art, dance and activities showcasing and celebrating the Latino culture. 

Click through to read more about the exciting Osceola Chamber Main Street event…

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SIRWA and Osceola Water Works Move Ahead on Intermediate Water Plan

osceola water supply west lake SIRWA

The latest updates on Osceola Water Works’ 3-stage plan to help mitigate future water shortages has been completed with the addition of new infrastructure at SIRWA’s east water tower. This latest cooperative update will help reduce the draw on West Lake’s supply for customers across south central Iowa.

Click through to read more about the updates and how they’ll impact water supply for the region…

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Kading Properties Celebrates Milestone with Ribbon-cutting Ceremony for Vesta Village

Kading Properties Osceola Iowa

Kading Properties is delighted to announce the upcoming ribbon-cutting ceremony for the completion of the Vesta Village workforce housing development. This event marks the culmination of city, community, and local employer efforts to bring affordable and quality housing to Osceola. The ribbon-cutting ceremony for Vesta Village will

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Clarke County Reservoir Project Featured at Annual Water Conference

clarke county reservoir

The Clarke County reservoir project was recently featured at the 2024 Annual Water Treatment and Distribution Conference held in Ankeny, Iowa (July 15th-16th). The presentation, given by HDR, Inc. provided a comprehensive overview of the reservoir project as well as updates on timelines and expected milestones.

If you’d like to learn more about the project, click through to the latest feature…

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CCRC Embarks on Development of Compensatory Wetlands Mitigation Plan

clarke county reservoir commission wetlands mitigation

With archeological research and compliance studies making good progress, the CCRC moved to expedite the next stage of the development through action on a Wetlands Compensatory Mitigation Plan required by the Clean Water Act. This stage will help the commission move closer to the design and construction bid process for the future reservoir.

Check out the latest feature to learn more…

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Rick’s Shelter: A Lasting Memorial for a True Community Leader

Rick's Shelter - Osceola Parks and recreation

For those who don’t frequent the Osceola Sports Complex, the latest addition may come as a special surprise. In 2020, Osceola’s Rick Courcier passed from a long battle with cancer. In his memory, and to help carry his spirit and dedication to the community through to future generations, Rick’s friends and family as well as the City, Parks and Rec. Department and others, all came together to help memorialize him with “Rick’s Shelter.”

Click through to the latest feature and read about their mission to honor Rick and the special meaning it has to the entire community…

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Clarke County Reservoir Commission Launches New Informational Website

clarke county reservoir informational web site

In their June 20th meeting, The Clarke County Reservoir Commission (CCRC) board approved the launch of a new informational website. The new site will contain the vision and history of the CCRC as well as provide ongoing updates from the board and its members.

Check out the latest post to learn more…

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Osceola Water Works Exits Conservation Ordinance

osceola water conservation ordinance

At the June 6th 2024 Osceola Water Works Board meeting, the board voted to exit Section 1 – Water Watch of the Osceola Water Conservation ordinance. This means Osceola water customers are not under a conservation ordinance after more than a year of community-wide conservation efforts.

Click through to the latest to read more about the levels in Osceola’s West Lake and the future of water for the community…

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Osceola’s Clarke County Fairgrounds Hosts JunctionTown Showdown


Get ready for the JunctionTown Showdown Truck Show and Tractor Pull, returning to the Clarke County Fairgrounds in Osceola, Iowa! This year, the event spans three exciting days: June 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2024.

Click through to check out their cool video and catch up on all that happening at this year’s event…

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Recent Rains Ease Drought Concerns, But Water Works Encourages Continued Conservation

water conservation level in osceola iowa

With the recent rains, the relief felt at the May 9th Osceola Water Works Board of Trustees meeting was palpable. With a jump in lake levels of more than 3.75 feet, the board unanimously decided to exit Section 3 – Water Emergency of the Osceola Water Works Conservation Ordinance and enter into Section 2 – Water Warning. 

Click through to the latest update from the Osceola Water Works team and learn more about what Section 2 – Water Warning means to you and your water use…

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Clean-Up Week — City Strongly Encourages Community-Wide Participation

With city-wide Spring Clean-Up taking place this week, city officials wanted to make sure the public was updated on the event details as well as additional information about recent city nuisance ordinance updates made in the May 7th city council meeting.

Click on the latest feature to read how you can participate in the clean-up event and learn about the nuisance mitigation efforts by the city …

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