Washington Street Transformation: Major Infrastructure Upgrades Underway

Construction update on Osceola's Historic Square

The City of Osceola and Osceola Chamber Main Street have been diligently updating the progress on the streetscape project in Osceola’s Historic Downtown Square. With renovations along Washington Street to infrastructure and the replacement of some water mains that were decades old, the work will ensure the reliability of essential services for residents and businesses while improving the overall look and aesthetics of Osceola’s historic area.

Click through to the latest to catch up on the latest updates and what to expect next…

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All-In on a Grand Night – Business and Community Leaders Gather to Celebrate

The OCMS / CCDC Annual dinner, held last Friday the 28th, was a celebration of business and community. With friends and neighbors gathering to recognize business successes as well as show appreciation for local community volunteers, the event is always a grand celebration.

Click through to the latest for the full update…

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2024-25 CCDC Grant Activities Forecast Development Opportunities

grants for clarke county iowa businesses and nonprofits

The grant activity through the end of 2024 and early 2025 is showing to be a sign of good things to come. With more than 1.2 Million in funds awarded in 2024, the February meeting of the CCDC Board of Directors saw 2025 kick off with even more opportunities!

Click through to the latest for the full update…

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Osceola Comprehensive Plan 2045 Slated for Council Approval

city of osceola comprehensive plan 2024

After more than a year of strategic planning and collaborative work with local business owners, City leadership, Osceola Chamber Main Street, the CCDC, and community members, the new Comprehensive Plan for Osceola is slated to be approved by City Council in February.

Click through to the latest for the full update…

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Downtown Streetscape Water Main Work Begins January 14th

osceola streetscape project

The latest updates to the Osceola Downtown Streetscape project will kick off on Tuesday the 14th. This stage of the development includes the updates to water main access and sub-street infrastructure. While some businesses and residents may see a water interruption, the City, engineers, and contractors are working to make sure the impact is minimized.

Click through to the latest for the full update…

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Deadline for Osceola’s Downtown Streetscape Project Set

Osceols Histoic Square streescape project deadline

After more than a decade of debate, planning, and design, the Osceola City Council and Osceola Chamber Main Street (OCMS) announced their targeted date for the completion of Osceola’s Downtown Streetscape Project

With improvements focused on infrastructure and safety, the City and OCMS are poised to have the project completed just in time for the City’s 175th anniversary celebration.

Click through to read about the updates and what you can expect over the construction phases for the project…

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Osceola Chamber Main Street Kicks off Long-Awaited Façade Renovations

As many may have noticed, there’s been some renovation activity on Osceola’s Historic Square. This is through the Facade Project administered by Osceola Chamber Main Street.  After many months of planning and applying for grants and support, OCMS and local businesses have finally kicked off the renovation projects for the beautification of the square.

Click through to the latest for more about these exciting improvements …

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Community Businesses and Leadership Gather for a Galloping Good Time

At the OCMS / CCDC Annual Dinner Friday night, there was plenty of celebration adding up to a “Galloping Good Time!” 😉

With area businesses, community members and local leadership coming together to celebrate the past year’s achievements and offer awards and recognition to those who made a significant impact to the community, the evening was full of warmth and joy (even with negative temperatures outside).

Click through to check out the latest feature to see a slew of photos, some video and more on the 2024 OCMS/CCDC Annual Dinner!

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Fletcher Honored With 75th Annual Community Service Award

Friday night was an evening of celebration at the OCMS and CCDC Annual Dinner. One celebration that stood out was the 75th Annual Community Service Award that went to Mr. Duayne Fletcher from Osceola, Iowa. With heart-felt nominations from the community and his family, a humble Mr. Fletcher received Friday Night’s award.

Click through to the most recent update to read about Duayne and his award-winning dedication to the community…

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Osceola Chamber Main Street Taps Clarke Creativity for Mural Project

Osceola Chamber Main Street has been working hard with updates and beautification projects on Osceola’s Historic square. The latest venture OCMS is taking on is a mural design partnership with students from the Clarke National Art Honor Society for a 7′ x 12 mural to be posted at 100 S Fillmore.

Click through to the latest feature to learn more…

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A Night of Celebration – Osceola, Clarke County Businesses Recognize Community-wide Achievements

It certainly was a Night of Celebration! On Tuesday night, more than 150 Osceola and Clarke County businesses, community leaders & volunteers gathered to highlight the past year’s achievements… click the link to read more, see some great photos and video!

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Join Osceola Chamber Main Street In “Light Up Osceola!” Special Event

lights on the square osceola iowa

It’s the HOLIDAYS! And what would be a better way to celebrate than to gather on the square this Thursday at 5pm for Osceola Chamber Main Street’s “Light Up Osceola” event! The Osceola courtyard is the initial phase to a big lighting program by OCMS and Thursday, OCMS, Santa (did we say SANTA?!? YES!!!), and the entire community will be on hand to flip the switch on the new courtyard lighting!

You can read more about the event and the plans for lighting up Osceola through the link…

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Pulling for Pork – When Community Comes Together, Businesses Win

Timber Ridge Country Market Osceola iowa

Timber Ridge Country Market’s experience with the Iowa Pork Producers Association’s Pulled Pork Madness showed what real community support could do. The businesses in Osceola and Clarke County, Iowa thrive on community support. From small, family-owned shops to big manufacturers, businesses of all sizes depend on the

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With $50K CCDC Grant, OCMS Launches New Building Improvement Opportunities

business grants for osceola iowa

In the March 10th meeting of the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), the board unanimously approved a $50,000 grant to Osceola Chamber Main Street (OCMS) to seed an exciting new building improvement program throughout the city. The program, designed and managed by the OCMS Board, is focused

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Lakeside Casino and OCMS Join to Bring ‘Holiday Giving Trees’ to Osceola

christmas trees osceola iowa

The management team at Lakeside Hotel & Casino in Osceola, Iowa could sense the need for a little extra holiday cheer in their community this year. So, they placed a quick call to Ashleigh Eckels, Executive Director at Osceola Chamber Main Street to discuss a festive idea

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