ORBIT Center Quickly Changing the Osceola Landscape

ORBIT Center Osceola Iowa Shop Space

The Highway 34 landscape on the western edge of Osceola is changing with the addition of the ORBIT (Osceola Regional Business and Industrial Technology Center), a $3.2 million project involving construction of an impressive 9,000 square foot training facility, made possible due to a partnership between the

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Latest ORBIT Center Completion Dates Build Excitement for the New Year Courses

A recent progress tour of the new ORBIT Center is helping build excitement for local and regional businesses, manufacturers and educators for its 2025 opening. With 10,000 square feet of space, a majority of which will be dedicated to lab and hands-on educational curricula, the new facility will be a unique addition and draw to south-central Iowa.

Click though to see the latest photos and more on the programming slated to start in the center as early as January…

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After Weather Delays, Osceola’s ORBIT Center Kicks Off Structural Start

technology center in osceola iowa

Regional industry leaders, SWCC, the CCDC, and others have all been waiting patiently to see progress on Osceola’s new ORBIT Center being built on the southwest corner of the city. With recent weather delays, the new building materials have been delivered and the structural development for the technology center is underway.

The latest feature provides some insight to the ORBIT Center’s construction as well as expected curriculum to be starting as early as January!

Click through to see some of the latest activity as well as a full rendering and floor plan for the building…

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Miller Partners with Clarke Industrial Tech Students to Celebrate History

clarke schools industrial tech laser cut sign

Miller Products, Co., recently under new ownership, has been reflecting on their 8+ decade history and the relationships they’ve made and built along the way. As part of the Clarke County Industrial Tech Advisory Board, they had the help of Clarke Community Schools’ industrial tech students in the fabrication of some very unique signs to help commemorate their impressive history

Take a look at our latest feature and see what these talented students and the Miller team created…

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...