Washington Street Transformation: Major Infrastructure Upgrades Underway

Construction update on Osceola's Historic Square

The City of Osceola and Osceola Chamber Main Street have been diligently updating the progress on the streetscape project in Osceola’s Historic Downtown Square. With renovations along Washington Street to infrastructure and the replacement of some water mains that were decades old, the work will ensure the reliability of essential services for residents and businesses while improving the overall look and aesthetics of Osceola’s historic area.

Click through to the latest to catch up on the latest updates and what to expect next…

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Osceola Chamber Main Street Kicks off Long-Awaited Façade Renovations

As many may have noticed, there’s been some renovation activity on Osceola’s Historic Square. This is through the Facade Project administered by Osceola Chamber Main Street.  After many months of planning and applying for grants and support, OCMS and local businesses have finally kicked off the renovation projects for the beautification of the square.

Click through to the latest for more about these exciting improvements …

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...