This is where you will find ALL news from the Web site in chronological order.

Clarke County Fair Schedule of Events

clarke county fair times and dates

If there’s one thing we love about summer, it’s that summer means CLARKE COUNTY FAIR TIME! The Clarke County Fair begins Monday, the 13th of July, and we can barely contain our excitement.  This year’s fair has so many activities, from animal and livestock exhibits to food and

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...

For Rural Iowa Schools, Branstad’s Veto “Just Doesn’t Cut It”

Clarke Community Schools on Branstad's Iowa School Funding Veto

After a long-fought school funding battle at the Iowa State House and Senate, Governor Branstad wielded his mighty pen and vetoed a bill that would have given Iowa schools additional funding for the upcoming year. The proposed $55.7 million funding would have been distributed to schools as

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Don’t Forget Osceola Free Swim Night

swim with fern free swim night in osceola iowa

A few years ago, free family passes were given to families in the Osceola community so they could give their children the opportunity to experience the city’s pool. Many families were issued passes, but the guidelines to receive a pass left some without. A new twist to

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Clarke Community Schools loses Ridgely as curriculum director

clarke community schools, clarke schools homecoming

Clarke Community School District is looking for a new curriculum director. Lance Ridgely, the district’s curriculum director, accepted the position of East Union (EU) Community School District superintendent Tuesday, June 16. His resignation was approved during a Clarke Community School Board meeting Thursday, June 25. In a

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4th of July Activity Roundup in Osceola & Clarke County, Iowa

osceola 4th of july activities

If there’s something Osceola and Clarke County, Iowa can take pride in, it’s our exuberance in celebrating the 4th of July. From bands and fun runs to parades and fireworks, the activities surrounding the 4th in Osceola and the surrounding communities seem to be never-ending. To help

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...


clarke county development corporation iowa

The IA Legislature has turned its back on the welfare of the citizens of Osceola & Clarke County by passing legislation which will block the creation of our new drinking water supply. As we are now a net importer of water in Clarke County, this new water

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Applications Available for Preschool at The Village

clarke community schools, clarke homecoming

Clarke Preschool, located at The Village, is taking applications for children that are four years old by Sept. 15, 2015. Families may apply for transportation scholarships. Please stop by The Village to pick up a registration packet. You can choose from the morning session 8-11:00 or the

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9TH Grade Openings for Washington DC Trip

clarke community schools, clarke homecoming

Parents of incoming 9th graders at Clarke High School: GREAT NEWS! We have now opened up the Washington DC trip (July 11-15, 2016) to incoming 9th graders at Clarke (you can still sign up of you are going into 7th or 8th grade). For a $100 discount

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NOTICE: Osceola Municipal Airport Announces DBE for ’16, ’17, and ’18

city of osceola iowa

The Osceola Municipal Airport hereby announces its fiscal years 2016, 2017, and 2018 goal of 2.41% for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) airport construction projects. The proposed goals and rationale is available for inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at the City Administrator’s Office,

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Safe Route to School Project Gets Underway!

osceola iowa students walking to school

ATTENTION RESIDENTS: The Safe Route to School project which will be commencing June 2nd. The project entails the removal and replacement of existing 4’ sidewalk with concrete, reinforced 6’ sidewalk. All work will take place in existing city right-of-way. There will be no further easement acquisition or

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Clarke County Hospital Awarded for Excellence in Patient Care Third Year in a Row

clarke county hospital iowa osceola

OSCEOLA, Iowa – Clarke County Hospital received the 2014 Excellence in Patient Care Award for outstanding results on the discharge section of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) patient survey. This is the third consecutive year Clarke County Hospital was selected for this

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Clarke County Hospital Tops Rural Hospitals in U.S. for Quality Healthcare

clarke county hospital iowa osceola

OSCEOLA, Iowa (May 23, 2014) – Clarke County Hospital was named one of 20 U.S. critical access hospitals to receive national honors for best practices in quality. The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) designated hospitals based on Quality Index measures submitted to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

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CCH Now Offers Total Joint Replacements

clarke county hospital iowa osceola

OSCEOLA, Iowa – Clarke County Hospital now offers total knee and hip replacements within the South Central Iowa community. The new service is offered by Kirk Green, D.O., orthopedic surgeon at Clarke County Hospital. “Dr. Green is a highly qualified and experienced orthopedic surgeon, who provides quality

Clarke County, Iowa has so much more to offer. Click to read more...