Outgoing president Helen Kimes dedicated years to service in Clarke County and Osceola and is excited for the future opportunities in the capable hands of the board’s new president, Dr. Kimball.
As acting president of the Clarke County Development Corporation Board for 2 non-consecutive terms, Helen was instrumental in bringing several beneficial opportunities to Osceola. Her tenure as president saw several years of change and growth as the city saw the turnover of some local businesses and the introduction of new industry staples such as Altec and Iowa Steel. Mrs. Kimes was influential in the negotiations with casino management to build the hotel, and helped obtain grant funding to start the Osceola trail system and the Safe Routes to School initiative.
Helen Kimes moved to Osceola in 1973 after having lived in Des Moines her whole life. She has been a local business owner, running her own successful real estate business now in its 40th year. Helen has been a strong leader on recruitment and negotiations with new businesses as well as relationships with the casino management, but the people of Osceola are the reason for the strength of the community.

Helen Kimes receives an award of recognition for her service to Clarke County Development Board from CCDC Executive Director, Bill Trickey
“Osceola has always been a shining star in the state of Iowa,” Mrs. Kimes said. “Today, it’s very hard to compete with Metropolitan areas, but Osceola is very fortunate to have the location we have, the industry we have, and the people we have. We have all the amenities of Des Moines, but we have a much nicer quality of life and the people here really care about you.”
Helen leaves a visionary replacement, Dr. Kimball, to lead the continued growth of the community and she’s delighted with the path he and the CCDC will be forging into the future. As Dr. and Mrs. Kimball have always strived to benefit the community in many fashions, they will maintain the momentum in attracting new businesses to join the already diverse economic development environment of Osceola.
“The Kimballs have promoted Osceola from the first day I’ve known them and they will continue to do that,” Helen said. “Everything they’ve done has been for the betterment of Osceola. I want to continue to see all the hands of Osceola working together as one entity because that’s when we can be successful.”
The CCDC board has worked diligently for the benefit of the community, and with this changing of the guard will not only continue the direction, but bring additional opportunities to the residents and businesses who choose to call Clarke County and Osceola home.