In the September 11th board meeting for the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), Clarke County Emergency Management’s Byron Jimmerson was informed that two CCDC grants applied for in August had been approved. The grant money was in response to requests made by Jimmerson for funding of additional equipment for the Emergency Management Agency and the Osceola Volunteer Fire Department.

Ultra High-Pressure Fire suppression unitThe first, a Pillars Grant for up to $66,083 will be applied toward partial funding of a new truck for the Osceola Fire Department. The Department aims to bring cutting edge firefighting technology with Ultra High-Pressure Fire suppression unit. This unit will be on a 4-wheel drive chassis in order to increase successful rescues and fire suppression in all driving conditions. Jimmerson says they hope to have the vehicle operational before Winter weather set in.

The second CCDC grant, for $7,064, will be used for the funding of a new, enclosed trailer for storage and deployment of Clarke County Emergency Mangement’s new Polaris Ranger and Rescue skid. The Ranger / UTV, funded through a Firehouse Subs Grant will provide support to all Public safety efforts in the County.clarke county emergency management polaris

“With Clarke County’s various community events and ever-expanding trail system,” said Jimmerson. “The UTV will allow all public safety departments access and the flexibility to deliver their services.”

Interchangeable placards will allow whatever Agency is utilizing the equipment to be properly identified.

The Emergency Management Agency and Fire Department are proud to partner with CCDC to continue to bring lifesaving equipment to Clarke County.

“It’s a pleasure to have people like Byron always looking to improve the safety and service the County provides to our growing community,” said CCDC Executive Director, Bill Trickey.

For more information on these or other Emergency Management projects please Contact Byron Jimmerson, Clarke County Emergency Management Coordinator. Clarke County Emergency Management, 100 South Main Street, Osceola, Iowa 50213,, email: [email protected]

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