clarke county nonprofitThis November 13th, the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC) continues its commitment to supporting local nonprofits by hosting the annual Clarke County Nonprofit Community Forum. This event serves as a vital platform for local nonprofit organizations to connect, showcase their missions, discuss their accomplishments from the past and plan for the year ahead.

“The Forum not only shines a spotlight on the incredible work undertaken by our local nonprofit organizations,” said Elizabeth Simpson, CCDC Program Manager and organizer of the event. “But also fosters essential networking opportunities among directors and organizers. Building these relationships is fundamental to strengthening the nonprofit sector’s impact in our community.”

In the few years the CCDC has hosted the Nonprofit Community Forum, it has become a powerful tool for participating organizations to raise awareness of their programs. At the event, each community organization given the opportunity of presenting up to three minutes overview to all those in attendance, giving a great platform to tell about the organization’s success from the past year and present the top three priorities for the upcoming year.

As an added bonus, for the 2nd year in a row, the CCDC will be donating $5000 to one of the organizations at the event. A ticket will be given to each participant that has a 501 (c)(3) non-profit certification. At the end of the event, one ticket will be drawn out of a hat and that designated non-profit will receive the donation.

Organizations participating in the annual forum will be featured in the updated Community Development Handbook. This handbook serves as a comprehensive resource, providing contact information and mission details of each nonprofit, which is made freely available to the entire community.

This program not only serves to promote and educate others about the amazing volunteers and nonprofit organizations throughout our community, but also relates to the CCDC Pillars grant program, we are interested in knowing what grants we might expect to consider in 2024.

Event Details:

When:               Monday, November 13, 3:00pm
Where:             Osceola’s Lyric Theater, 118 S Fillmore St # 2, Osceola, IA 50213
Deadline:        RSVP is required no later than Saturday, October 21st
What:               Each Nonprofit organization will give a 3-minute presentation outlining 2023 successes and 2024 goals.

Don’t Miss This Opportunity to Feature Your Nonprofit Organization! If interested, click the links below to open/download the invitation and information sheets.

Clarke County Development Corporation recently reached out to past participants to ensure all organizations have the opportunity to get signed up for this year’s event. With the number of volunteer leaders involved in running nonprofits, contact information changes from year to year. Please contact Elizabeth Simpson with current contact information and to submit the organization’s details to be included in the 2024 annual Community Development Handbook.

If you know of a nonprofit organization that would benefit from this program, please make sure you share this news with them.

The event date is quickly approaching, so make sure your nonprofit or community organization is on board! Contact Liz Simpson at [email protected] or (641)342-2944 before October 21st to ensure inclusion in this year’s Forum!



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