alec osceola hosts iowa state university prisum solar carAs Iowa State University’s “#SunRun18” embarks on their 99-county tour showcasing Penumbra, “the world’s first practical Solar Utility Vehicle,” Clarke County Fairgrounds will be a special stop Monday afternoon focused on celebrating local manufacturing, advanced power innovations, and tech education. The event is hosted by Alec Osceola, who not only provided the molds for Penumbra’s construction, but also hosts two of the ISU students involved with PrISUm Solar Car program through their tech engineering coop program.

Engineering students Sarah Leahy, who also serves as the PrISUm Solar Car Event Promotions Coordinator, and Chris Weisbein, who drives the vehicle will be on hand to discuss the specifics of this year’s solar car program, the technology behind it, and their part in its development. Also featured at the event will be Clarke Electric Cooperative and the Iowa State College of Design who will have their FLEx (Forward Learning Experience) Trailer. ISU’s FLEx Trailer has been touted as an innovative learning experience focused on giving students from kindergarten through 12th grade hands-on experiences with virtual reality, Oculus Rift immersive visualization, interactive circuit building with Little bits and 3-D Printers.

“We’re excited to be a part of the event,” said Susan Miller, Recruiter with Altec Osceola. “Opportunities like this really show how STEM learning impacts our community and how the combination of innovation, technology, and manufacturing will impact our futures.”

The free event will be at the Clarke County Fairgrounds at 2070 W McLane Street, in Osceola, Iowa 50213, starting at 3:00pm on Monday, June 18th and going until 7:00pm.

The entire community is encouraged to attend and take part in the celebration. Students of all ages can see ISU’s solar car, meet those involved in its design, production, and driving, as well as participate in the ISU FLEx Trailer activities, and the Clarke Electric Coop display. Snacks and concessions will also be available.

For additional information on Monday’s event or on ISU’s #SunRun2018, contact Local PrISUm Solar Car Event Coordinator, Sarah Leahy by email at [email protected] or by phone 309-351-5294.


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