Osceola’s Miller Products Company Welcomes Lt. Governor for Tour and Talk

Osceola’s Miller Products Company had a visit from Iowa’s Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg last week. The intention for his visit was to get an idea of how the manufacturing industry is faring across rural Iowa. The Miller team gave a tour and had some good discussions on what the industry is looking like and what they could use to make it better.

Click through to the latest to read more…

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CCDC Welcomes Andrew B. Clark as New Executive Director

ccdc clark trickey

After an extensive search and interview process for the new Executive Director position at the Clarke County Development Corporation, the CCDC Board is happy to welcome Andrew B. Clark (no “e”) to the position starting September of 2024.

Click through to read about Andrew, his background with the community and local businesses, and his vision for the organization…

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New Recovery Grant Opportunities for Counties Under Federal Disaster Declarations

disaster recovery grants for clarke county osceola iowa

In the past few months, southern Iowa has seen more than expected extreme weather. From tornadoes and isolated rain straight-line winds to severe hail incidents, residents and businesses alike have been financially impacted by the damaging weather.

Federal grant programs for residents in Clarke Country are now available to help recover from the impact and costs of these storms. Those interested can click through to the latest feature to read more and to start their grant process.

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After Weather Delays, Osceola’s ORBIT Center Kicks Off Structural Start

technology center in osceola iowa

Regional industry leaders, SWCC, the CCDC, and others have all been waiting patiently to see progress on Osceola’s new ORBIT Center being built on the southwest corner of the city. With recent weather delays, the new building materials have been delivered and the structural development for the technology center is underway.

The latest feature provides some insight to the ORBIT Center’s construction as well as expected curriculum to be starting as early as January!

Click through to see some of the latest activity as well as a full rendering and floor plan for the building…

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Standard Nutrition Company Introduces Passel Farms, Announces Acquisition Of Cactus Family Farms

passel farms

Standard Nutrition Company (SNC) is pleased to announce the newly-formed Passel Farms, a reorganization of SNC’s investments, resources, and partnerships dedicated to pork production. Osceola’s Cactus Family Farms will become the latest addition to Passel Farms organization.

Check out the latest post to learn more…

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CCDC Grant Continues Support for Clarke County GIS Program

clarke county iowa GIS mapping system

The CCDC recently committed to an additional six years of financial support for the Clarke County Assessor’s office and the Clarke County GIS mapping system. With a grant of more than $40,000 the CCDC’s board will help fund imaging and base data updates for the heavily used mapping and information program.

For more information about the GIS system and what it does for the county, the city of Osceola, and businesses across the area, click through to read the latest…

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CCDC Board Welcomes the Addition of Altec’s Nathan Grismore

CCDC Board Welcomes the Addition of Altec’s Nathan Grismore

At the May CCDC board meeting, members and those in attendance welcomed Altec’s Nathan Grismore to the board. As a representative from one of Osceola’s largest employers, Nathan is looking to bring a fresh perspective to the CCDC and help them create positive change throughout the community.

Click through to the latest feature more information about Nathan and his new position with the board…

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$718,600 CCDC Grant Kicks off Initial Development of Osceola’s Effluent Pipeline

osceola effluent recirculated wastewater pipeline plan

In May’s CCDC Board meeting, the City made the request to kick off the first phase of the Effluent Recirculated Water pipeline to pull water from the new Osceola Wastewater Treatment Plant to other parts of the city. This will help lower the burden on West Lake’s raw water supply. With a grant of more than $700K, the CCDC was able to get this “First in the State” venture started and help fund the project.

Click on the latest feature to read how what this grant means for the future of Osceola’s water and the ongoing pursuit of a sustainable water supply for the community…

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Gov. Reynolds Issues Disaster Proclamation for Eight Additional Counties Impacted by Recent Severe Weather

disaster proclamation clarke county iowa

In a recent Disaster Proclamation, Iowa Governor Reynolds included Clarke County in a list of 8 hard hit counties, allowing resources to be made available for those impacted by recent storms. These funds will be provided through the The Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program.

The Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program provides grants of up to $5,000 per household based on property and income levels. The funds can go toward recovery from damage caused by recent storms.

Click through to the announcement to read more and access a link to the grant application…

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SPECIAL SBDC – Iowa EVENT: How to Raise Venture Capital for Your Startup

venture capital tips for startups iowa

Jamie David, Regional Director at the SBDC – Iowa out of Creston shared the following information:
Have a small business or start-up? You need to attend the “How to Raise Venture Capital for Your Startup” EVENT

The event is this week and, even with the short notice, it should be an exciting program for those interested in growing and developing better business practices for their own business or startup.

Click through to read the details and register today!

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Osceola, Iowa’s Housing Boom: Working to Meet All Levels of Housing Needs

Eighth and Hallow Build and Design Des Moines, Iowa

Osceola is experiencing a boom in housing development. From the latest foundations being poured through the Osceola Building Incentive Program, to workforce housing efforts and more, by the end of the year, Osceola will be looking at more than 160 new front doors and new opportunities for growth across the community.

To learn more about the latest developments and what’s coming on the market over the coming months, check out the latest feature…

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Clarke County Historical Museum Grand Opening – May 5th

The Clarke Co. Historical Society is proud to announce the Grand Opening of the Clarke Co. Historical Museum on Sunday, May 5th from 1-5 pm! Click the image to view/download the promotional information. After receiving an outpouring of support from the local community, CCDC, OCMS, and many

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CCDC Grants Provide Support for School Safety and Community Conservation

grants in clarke county iowa

The CCDC approved a pair of grants recently to help Clarke Community Schools cover costs related to new emergency response backpacks for school administrators and teachers as well as cover costs associated with the district’s water conservation efforts.

Click the link to learn more and check out the latest …

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CCDC Approves $75K Grant for Municipal Water Transport, Maintaining “Water Neutrality”

water in osceola iowa

At the March 13th board meeting of the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), the grant committee reviewed and approved a discretionary grant request for up to $75,000 to help The City of Osceola cover the fees associated to keeping the City’s municipal recreational resources “Water Neutral.”

Click through for latest information on …

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Groundbreaking Event Celebrates a Focus on Future Success in South-Central Iowa

The groundbreaking event for the ORBIT Education and Training center may have been dampened with cold and rain, but the celebration in the SWCC Osceola Campus, where the event was relocated, was abuzz with excitement. Community members and officials from around the region joined SWCC and CCDC representatives to kick-off the construction phase of the new facility.

Click through to the latest to read more about the celebration and see new architectural renderings from Denovo as well as photos and info from the event…

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