Veterans know all too well the importance of leadership and the valuable skills that benefit every aspect of their lives. Students at Clarke Community Schools have taken some of these important lessons and are participating in a number of leadership programs and activities focused on building future pathways to their own successes. With Veterans Day just around the corner, the students at Clarke – from elementary through the high school – will be showing their leadership skills and honoring local Veterans through a series of special events.

veterans day celebration osceola iowa

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“The district works hard to instill a value of leadership and community with our students,” said Becca Kedley, Communications Director for Clarke Community Schools. “From an early age the lessons learned through leadership activities build self-confidence, communication skills, and an understanding of teamwork which are all strong foundations of leadership.”

These special events, held on Friday, November 10th, the day before Veterans Day, will be led by students participating in Student Council, the Clarke Student Ambassadors program, the Clarke choirs and more. Planned with staff and guided by students, the events are intended to not only honor our military veterans and their service to our country, but also provide valuable experiences in leadership and the skills necessary to be a good future leader.


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At the High School / Middle School Buildings  – In the High School Gymnasium:
Friday, November 10th, 10:00am

Program Overview: Hosted by the Clarke High School Student Council, the American Legion will be on site to post colors along with numerous veterans from the community in attendance.

The Clarke Chamber Choir will be performing and Clarke high school band students playing “Taps.” Students in the TAG program are working on a project for the assembly and, Veteran, Rich Bucklin (Mrs. Buklin’s husband) will be a speaker at the morning’s event.

At the Elementary School Building – in the Gymnasium:
Friday, November 10th, 2:00pm

The Elementary staff and students would love to invite the veterans of our community to join us for refreshments at 1:30, and a tour of our building before the assembly at 2:00.

Program Overview: The American Legion will be on site to post colors along with numerous veterans from the community in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance will be led by 3rd grader Kingston Hepner, followed by a Veterans Day History from 5th grader Collins Readout.

The Clarke High School Choir will also perform at the afternoon event, singing the National Anthem and other patriotic choices. The 5th Grade choir will also perform prior to hearing 5th grader, Rylee Nelsen speak to the crowd about the history of the song, “Taps.” That will be followed with a performance by 11th grader Emma Hendrickson and 11th grader Therren Zak.

Along with the introduction of Flag essay Content Speaker, Sandy Eddy by 4th grader Hunter Cook, 4th grader Michael Stroud will introduce Veteran, Gabe Crawford to speak to the crowd.

“We’re here to build future leaders,” said Kurt DeVore, Clarke Community Schools Superintendent. “Learning from our Veterans and using those skills to build on academic wins is a perfect combination for the success of all of our students.”

Clarke community schools elementary leadership

Students from Clarke Community Schools’ Elementary leadership programs.

From the Student Ambassador program and Student Council, to sports, choir, theater, and band, the opportunities for students to gain valuable leadership skills at Clarke is abundant. According to numerous studies, the participation in events like Clarke’s Veterans Day honors have shown benefits for students of all ages in fostering higher self-esteem and social skills. These ultimately can lead to improved academic performance and increased interest leadership roles later in life.

If you have questions or would like additional information on Friday’s events or programs available to your students, please reach out to the Clarke Community Schools district office at 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213, phone: (641) 342-4969.

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