ATTENTION RESIDENTS: The Safe Route to School project which will be commencing June 2nd.
The project entails the removal and replacement of existing 4’ sidewalk with concrete, reinforced 6’ sidewalk. All work will take place in existing city right-of-way. There will be no further easement acquisition or property assessments for this project.
The project route will start at the corner of E. Jefferson and N. Kossuth (Elementary School), and run west along the south side of E. Jefferson Street to the 100 block of E. Jefferson. It will pick back up on N. Fillmore, just north of the railroad underpass, running north along the east side of N. Fillmore to E. Clay. The project will cross E. Clay, and continue north along the west side of N. Fillmore to W. Shaw Street. Following the completion of the project, the city will maintain all portions of the new six foot walk, including snow removal.
It is the city’s intention to cause the least amount of disruption as possible; however, traditional sidewalk access may be limited during certain phases of this project. If you have any concerns or questions during the duration of this project, please do not hesitate to contact City Hall at 641-342-2377.